Who is Mountain Valley Lutheran Church?
Our Mission
Mountain Valley exists to praise and glorify God by sharing the gospel with our community and by nurturing one another through Word and Sacrament.
We Believe
We believe that God is triune, that is, three separate Persons in one, undivided God. We believe that God reveals himself to us through the Bible, which he inspired human writers to record. We believe that the Bible not only contains truth, but is truth. We believe that salvation is found only in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
We believe that all people need a Savior because all people have failed to meet God’s requirements. But our loving God offers forgiveness and salvation to all. He offers Christ’s death for your life. He offers forgiveness for your wrongs. He offers a forever-home with him, because Christ made his home among us.
Worship at Mountain Valley
We worship each Sunday at 9:00am. Worshiping at Mountain Valley feels familiar and comfortable to many visitors. Others may find that it takes a couple of Sundays before they become accustomed to our style of praising God. There is no dress code. Our worship uses traditional forms and modern language and application. The traditional brings us the best from God’s Church throughout the ages, and the contemporary brings God’s promises and his will into our daily lives.
Each Sunday, we begin by confessing our sins to God and hearing the comforting news that we are forgiven. We hear three lessons from the Bible, each centering on a single theme.
The pastor offers encouragement and instruction in a sermon which is based on one of the Scripture lessons. Hymns are sung and prayers are offered by the worshipers. The services closes with the words of a blessing from our Lord.
Following the service, refreshments and fellowship are enjoyed in the lower level. At 10:15 a.m., Sunday School is offered to all children ages 3 through 8th grade. A Bible study is offered at the same time for teens and adults.
Children are not only welcome, they are encouraged to worship with their families. “Busy bags” are provided to help keep the youngest worshipers engaged. Children’s sermons are offered regularly as part of our services.
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS)

Mountain Valley Lutheran Church is a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). Established in 1850 and headquartered in Milwaukee, the WELS is a world-wide church with congregations in all 50 states. The WELS also serves over 25 countries through world mission work.Our congregation and church body are solidly based on the foundation of the Bible. We believe that Jesus is our Savior and the only way to heaven. Through faith in Jesus we are united to him and each other. Visit the official WELS website for more information about our beliefs.